Venue notes: The Asylum, Detroit MI
Underground punk venue located on Cass Ave, just north of the corner of W Willis St, where it
occupied the first floor of the Stuber-Stone Building (still standing in 2017). Patrick Kirchner
writes in 2017: "So, the Asylum was run by a guy named Kurt Kohl. It was just a vacant warehouse
space next to Cobb's Corner (one or two doors north)." Scott Koskinen adds: "Bob Madigan [singer
for Slaughterhouse] was part of the collective I think, than ran Asylum. Also, Lacy, Cass Corridor
hood rats, members of a few bands from that time." He goes on to describe the incident that led to
the club's demise:
Rafeek helped run the place. It was his decision to sell beer sans license . I was walking to....
blame him for this police disaster, behind a cop, when the 40 oz bottle came flying, hit him in
the head, knocked his hat off. The cop, thinking I had bonked him, grabbed me and was dragging me
out the back door, saying "You're going to the hospital punk". I saw Rafeek, said "Hey man, come
and watch this so this cop don't cream me", Rafeek said "Be cool man". I remember it was a weird
sensation, fearing getting beat by this cop and wanting to strangle Rafeek at the same time. The
cop took me out the back door, I'm sure, hoping to see a deserted alley, but there were other cops
out there. He threw me onto a car and told them to arrest me for assault. He went in, they said I
better get out of there before he comes back. We spent the rest of the night bailing people out of
jail. I remember someone asking the police why they got to mess with us when there're killers and
rapists running around that neighborhood, he said "We just wanted to fuck with some punks tonight".
[Do you have more information about this venue? Please
email me.]
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